With Tigertron we always hoped our message of games with a positive message about the Earth could reach new audiences, so you can imagine how honored we are to see Jupiter & Mars featured in the debut issue of The Perfect World Magazine, a new Swedish publication at the forefront of global environmental issues.

It's also special to us because the first issue features one of our heroes Sir David Attenborough on the cover. We actually corresponded with him about possibly doing the voice-over for Jupiter & Mars, but he very politely ended up declining (while he loved what we were doing with the game and its message, he felt it would be best to lend his talents to works of non-fiction, whereas as Jupiter & Mars is set in the future and clearly fiction). But, he wrote us the nicest letter you could ever imagine and we have that sucker framed in the office. And, it ended up working out for the best, as we found the perfect voice-over talent in Cristina Mittermeier, the co-founder of SeaLegacy (whose voice you hear at the end of our latest trailer).